It's not always easy for rescue groups to organise foster carers at short notice particularly if they haven't yet been able to fully assess if a dog is good with other dogs, or children for example. But unfortunately there is often a time limit on how long a pound, or a person surrendering a dog is able or willing to wait before the worst is inevitable.
That's why we are working with Dogs Behind Bars Rescue Inc. to sponsor their kennel fees and make sure that they don't have to turn dogs away and can keep them safe while they organise a suitable foster carer or forever home.
Carol, from DBBR gave us an update this week on a couple of dogs that our sponsorship has helped.
Taj came into our care a very nervous, scared and underweight boy, who had been badly mistreated, starved and under threat of being shot. Under the incredible care of Donna Frizzell, owner of Knightsbridge Boarding Kennels , this gorgeous boy slowly came out of his shell, gained weight and trust and we all fell madly in love with him.
His life changed forever a week ago, when he was adopted out to a lovely home complete with a fur sister, also a rescue adoption.

Chokas came in with sass and attitude! Nervous around new people, but now full of staffy love for everyone. She’s not so keen on other dogs, but we are working with her and she will become more socially confident.
Chokas spent a few weeks being cared for by Donna, thanks to Savourlife sponsorship, and has now moved into Bandyup Prison program where the girls will continue her training, and spoil her with love.
A far cry from where she started life - in a tiny courtyard never seeing the world or other dogs or having the human contact she craves. She is only 2 years old, but has already had puppies, we have already done all her vet work so no more puppies for her!
DBBR are always looking for more foster carers to help them get their dogs off to the best start in their new lives! If you think you might be able to help click on the link below: