Last year we awarded a $50,000 grant to BARRC as part of our Buddy's Grant initiative, and we're so excited to share a project update with you. Watch the video below to see what's been happening over the last few months!

BARRC's project involved replacing their current deteriorating kennels with larger, easy to clean, secure ones; providing a safe and sheltered environment for dogs while they are being assessed before moving into foster care. The funding also covered two new containers, for office and storage use, as well as solar paneling to provide much needed electricity to the site!
The major items are now in place and the team are finishing off the fit out and some mid size jobs to prepare for their opening day in a couple of weeks!
Hearing Rachel and Jenni talk about the work that BARRC are doing in their community made us so proud to be able to be involved with this project, and we don't mind admitting, a little teary!
It was so lovely to hear that this project has also inspired some volunteers to recreate a garden and care for the surrounding area. They are going out regularly to water and weed; this is great for the vollies who can't quite manage the kennel shifts anymore but still want to support and volunteer.
We're looking forward to the Grand Opening in a few weeks and will be sharing the next installment in this story afterwards!