August is once again Focus on Foster Care month at SavourLife, and we're really excited to be shining a light on some of the real life super heroes who are absolutely essential in keeping rescue groups all over Australia going.

Throughout August we'll be sharing foster carers' first hand experiences, both to celebrate and thank them for their amazing work, and also with the hope of encouraging more of you to get in touch with your local rescue and see if you too could be a life-safer!
We can't overemphasize the difference that foster carers make to rescue groups and the dogs in their care; unfortunately more than ever we are seeing rescue groups having to make hard and fast decisions about whether they can save dogs that have limited time - an available foster carer is often the only thing that will change a "no" to a "yes".
In many cases a foster home is the first opportunity that a dog has to feel safe, secure, and loved, which gives them a chance to reveal their true personalities and let their rescuers know who they really are and what makes them happy.
Our own kids Missy and Max are here with us today because their foster carers gave them time, patience, and lots and lots of love while they waited for us to find them.
We know that many of you are or have been foster carers and we'd love to hear your stories too! Share your experience and a photo of one of your fosters in the comments, letting us know which rescue group you foster for, and we'll choose one of you to send a treat package, a SavourLife bandana, and an Every Dog Counts Tee to! We'll also send a big box of treats to the rescue group that you foster for!
If you think you'd like to get involved in fostering a dog and changing a life forever, get in touch with a rescue local to you and offer your help!
You can find 241 rescue groups listed on
who would be thrilled to hear from you!