It’s hard to believe it ourselves, but we have just turned 8! We’ve reached many milestones in our eighth year. We passed $3.7 million in donations, launched Missy’s Mini-Grant to compliment Buddy’s Life Changing Grant, Adopt-A-Dog reached 40 million page views and most importantly we’ve now supported the re-homing of over 30,000 dogs.

It’s been another incredible (and equally strange) year at SavourLife. As with all small businesses, we have had the challenges with managing around COVID, but feel so lucky in comparison to some many other businesses that have been doing it so tough.
We’re thankful for the great team of people (and their dogs!) that work here at SavourLife, we do an incredible amount of good, with such a small team. We’re grateful to our retail partners who have supported and promoted us at every possible opportunity. To our rescue partners, your devotion and passion knows no bounds, we’re hugely proud of supporting the work you do. But we are most thankful, to you, our passionate SavourLifers. We are nothing, and can achieve nothing, without your support of our Aussie made food and treats.
And so, as always, we look forward into 2022 and push our team for what’s next, how do we help more, what are our goals? So here’s our dream. We want to eliminate the euthanasia of healthy dogs in Australia. That’s our goal. That’s our mission. And everything we do is now in support of that dream. Of course, you’ll see new products (and some fun ones at that!) and some new programs helping rescues along the way. But every time you purchase one of our products, we want you to know you are helping us reach our dream, one that when we started this company, we didn’t think would be possible, but now we think we can make happen.
Thanks for helping us make it a reality. Michael, Kim, Missy and Max 🧡