Wow, it’s hard to believe it’s seven years!! We are no longer young pups (both literally and figuratively)!
Many businesses don’t survive the first two years and for us, like many others, it was a big struggle. We always strongly believed that we had an awesome and unique purpose and we managed to get through those initial puppy years with persistence, resilience, and sheer hard work. But most of all we made it because of you, our SavourLifers! 🙌
It seems like yesterday, but also a lifetime ago, those early years. But now here we are on our seventh birthday! We’ve reached some milestones we never thought possible:
🔸 We have now passed $2.5M in donations
🔸 We have supported the re-homing of over 20,000 dogs
🔸 Our Adopt-A-Dog platform has exponentially grown and now actively helps 225 rescue groups, and we facilitated an incredible 107,000 dog enquiries in the last year alone.
The year 2020 has been a once in a lifetime year. Many people have had an incredibly tough year, with lockdowns across the nation. If there is to be a silver lining or a positive to come out of it, it has been the thousands and thousands of dogs that have found new homes thanks to the incredibly hard work of rescue groups all over the country. To give you some context we have had a ten-fold increase in enquiries from this time last year through the Adopt-A-Dog platform. We are hoping that we have played a small part in helping bring a little sunshine to people when they have desperately needed it, in the shape of a new four-legged friend (Missy asked that I mention that there were also some three-legged friends too!) 😄
So, as always, we look forward! What will 2021 bring? As usual, we have some big plans! We’ll continue to expand our product range (look for some new goodies in the new year), Adopt-A-Dog will continue to expand and grow, we’ll focus on more programs like Buddy’s Grant; all helping to drive our ultimate goal of reducing the euthanasia of healthy dogs to zero.
Lastly, a few big thank yous! We have a very small, but incredibly hard working and passionate team that you see here in the photo. What we achieve at SavourLife, with the number of employees we have, is nothing short of phenomenal. Thank you to all of them for their dedication! To our retail store partners and all their staff members - we would not be here without your help. Your support of us and our cause is something we are forever grateful for. To the hundreds of rescue groups that we work with - thank you for everything that you do; your dedication and commitment blows us away and you are our constant inspiration to work that bit harder, dream that bit bigger, and continue to come up with new ways to support you 🧡
And to our SavourLifers (that’s you!). We are doing things and helping more than we ever dreamed possible; but we wouldn’t be anywhere without you guys - you’ve made us what we are today. You are part of something that is making a massive difference to the rescue dogs of Australia. It’s incredibly important and you are contributing to that change. Every purchase, every comment, every share, every person you tell about us…they all add up to something big! 🙏
So happy birthday to us! 🎈We’re still the same little family company that you’ve always known. We’re still the social enterprise that exists to help rescue dogs. We’re still proudly Australian made and owned.
From the SavourLife family - Michael and Kim (and Missy and Max, of course!) 🧡