We have awarded a $20,000 Buddy's Grant to Friends of the Pound Tweed Heads to continue to operate their community Desexing Program aimed at reducing pet overpopulation and improving animal welfare in the Tweed Heads Area.
Friends of the Pound Tweed (FOTPT) are a not-for-profit organisation who rescue animals from the Tweed Shire Pound and assist in the day-to-day pound operations. While working closely with the pound they run independently and are solely dependent on donations and their fund-raising efforts.
FOTPT are also very focused on the promotion of responsible pet ownership and are committed to an ongoing community desexing program of dogs in the Tweed Shire. By offering desexing of dogs to the local community they hope to reduce the occurrence of unwanted puppies and the number of community dogs requiring rescue or rehoming support from FOTPT in the future.
Through this program in 2023, FOTPT were able to desex 119 dogs belonging to members of the community and with the new funding thanks to Buddy's Grant they hope desex a further 60 dogs.
These community desexing programs are critical to not only reducing the number of unwanted/accidental litters putting strain on already stretched rescue groups and pounds, but also play an important hand in helping keep dogs healthy and in the home.
Our aim is to provide funding to more preventative programs like this around the country that will have a positive impact on overpopulation in key areas. If you are in the Tweed Heads area and looking to adopt or get involved, you can find out more about Friends Of The Pound Tweed HERE.