We are very proud to announce that with your help, we have now reached $4Million in donations! 🎉

These donations have supported over 250 different rescue groups across the country, and while the funds are used in a large variety of ways, they are always directed towards the end goal of helping reduce the number of adoptable dogs euthanised in Australia to zero.
We know how incredibly hard our rescue partners work each and every day (and often a lot of the night too!) and knowing that we have our loyal SavourLifers support means that we can continue to commit to help them help as many dogs as possible.
So what’s next?
With essential input from our experienced rescue partners we are always looking for new and innovative ways to achieve our mission and see all dogs in happy and safe homes. As well as assisting rescue groups find forever homes for their dogs with our adoption platform Adopt-A-Dog, we’ll also be working with them to focus on more preventative measures, trying to prevent dogs needing to enter pounds and rescue in the first place. Together we hope to make Australia a place where every dog has a home to call their own 🐶
Thank you for helping us reach this huge milestone; rescue dogs all around Australia are very grateful for your support! 🙌