We have awarded Amazing Greys a $10,000 grant to complete their emergency standby kennel space project to address an unmet need in their rescue operations.
Although they will remain a foster based rescue group, the added flexibility provided by emergency kennels for short stays will enable them to accommodate dogs that may otherwise be turned away due to unfortunate circumstances, such as not having a foster carer immediately available, a dog that is injured or coming from a domestic violence situation, or a dog that is suffering from emotional trauma or behavioural issues that needs a safe place where they can decompress and undergo assessment and/or training before moving in to a foster home.

With the help of their incredible volunteers Amazing Greys have already started the process of converting an existing shed into kennels that can accommodate a maximum of three dogs.
The shed, which was originally built to house 12-14 racing greyhounds years ago, will be repurposed to provide a large, comfortable, and happy indoor and outdoor space for each dog in care. Each of the three kennels will have access to its own large fully fenced outside run and each individual area will have a single bed, couch, rubber-backed carpet tiles on the floor, downlights, and a roof fan. The indoor area will have climate control provided by a split system. Outside, the grassed runs will have natural shade from trees as well as an area covered in shade cloth to ensure dogs always have access to sun and shade. The facility is designed to be as close to living in a house as possible so that the dogs feel safe and have access to all the comforts they truly deserve as well as a significant amount of human contact.

The emergency kennels will have the added benefit of providing a central hub to host foster information events for future foster families and as a destination for corporate volunteer days, school excursions and other educational events.
These emergency kennels will allow Amazing Greys to help vulnerable greyhounds at risk of falling through the cracks, who otherwise might never find a path to rehabilitation and rehoming but will now have the chance at a happy and healthy life full of love. We are very proud to be able to support this fantastic project!